Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

week 12_discussion_Human Sexuality

week 12_discussion_Human Sexuality

Q Question 1: Affirmative Consent Background: Antioch University (in Yellow Springs, OH) was the first to institute an affirmative consent policy over 20 years ago. Within the past 5 years, states and universities have discussed changing laws and policies to include affirmative consent language and some have already instituted changes. Currently, there is a “push” towards laws being modified to require “affirmative consent,” which California and other states have already passed. If state laws begin to change to “affirmative consent,” how can this affect/influence individuals wanting to have sex (e.g., one-night stands/hook ups, casual dating, long term relationships, marriage, etc.), communities, and U.S. society? Discuss 2 of 3 levels for the discussion Question 1:

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There has been a lot of discussion regarding the affirmative consent and if the state laws will change to this it will have a positive effect for individuals who want to have sexual intercourse that might include one night stand or hook ups. It has been mostly observed that previously, there were no such laws for any consent that had increased the cases of rape but as there has been a law so now if a woman is against any kind of sexual relationship then she can use her affirmative consent against the partner which will draw a great impact over him and this is the major reason that people will now think twice before engaging in such kind of activities.